常見問題– Telescopicgoal icon


Shipping - When can I expect to receive my Telescopicgoal?

We offer FREE tracked courier shipping to New Zealand, Australia and UK. Free New Zealand and UK delivery target time is 1 - 3 days from our local warehouses. Free Australia delivery target time is 7 - 10 days or for an extra AU$60 express courier is available with delivery target time of 3 - 5 days. We also ship to other places around the world. If you're wondering what delivery time is like to your country, reach out to us via our website chat or send an email to info@telescopicgoal.com!

How sustainable and environmentally friendly are Telescopicgoals?

A life cycle analysis (LCA) has been calculated on Telescopicgoals and other football goals made from PVC and Steel. The T3 Telescopicgoal made from Aluminium uses 8% of the CO2 emissions. when compared to a 5m x 2m PVC goal and 4 % for a steel goal. If you want to reduce your environmental impact buy Telescopcigoals.

我不確定要購買 T1、T2 還是 T3 的 Telescopicgoal 型號?

T1 Telescopicgoal 有一個織物橫桿和釘子,釘子被推入連接垂直柱子的軟地面。如果您更喜歡比賽日,請感受 T2 的鋁製橫桿。對於難以放置地釘的堅硬地面,T3 有一個全鋁框架來支撐網並位於地面上。

How does the net adjust on a Telescopicgoal which can change to 35 different sizes?

Telescopicgoal nets come with colour matching attachable carabiners which connect to marked sized loops on the net, making for easy adjustments. When Telescopicgoal is adjusted to small sizes, the extra netting sits on the ground and can be wrapped around the rotating groundbar. Our two piece nets consist of a side net (only used on larger sizes) and a main net. All Telescopicgoals come with all netting required for 35 different sizes. See T3 Instruction video: here

我可以從 T1 升級到 T2 還是從 T2 升級到 T3

是的,如果您購買了 T1 或 T2 並想在以後升級,那麼您可以購買單獨出售的 crossbarstanchion(網絡支撐)部件。 T1 需要 crossbar 才能升級到 T2。 T2 需要 支柱 才能升級到 T3。


這是足球發展中的一個很好的問題,對於不同年齡的孩子應該使用哪種尺寸的球門存在大量爭論。看看世界各地不同的足球協會的建議,例如新西蘭建議 10 歲以下兒童使用 4m x 2m,而澳大利亞和英國建議 3.7m x 1.8m,歐盟 3m x 1.55m,瑞典 3m x 1.5m,西班牙和葡萄牙 1.8 x 1.2 米。憑藉 Telescopicgoal 的靈活性,您可以選擇您想要的尺寸,請參閱關於我們


我們的 T 型號旨在盡可能輕鬆有效地調整尺寸和保持便攜性。使用彩色標記系統在球門上清楚地標記了尺寸,便於快速調整。鎖定係統易於使用並保證穩定性,而登山扣則始終確保緊密連接。所有 T 型號都可輕鬆折疊且拆卸最少,以消除丟失零件的風險並確保易於安裝和打包,同時形狀和尺寸完美的 T 包和輪子方便運輸。

我的孩子設置 T 模型安全嗎?

我們的 T 模型設計為盡可能快速、簡單和安全地設置。與市場上的其他產品不同,T 型號具有獨特的打包系統,可限制拆卸需求,確保在整個設置和打包階段的安全操作和穩定性。我們的說明手冊隨我們的產品一起提供,但也可以在我們的網站上找到,以在設置和打包階段提供指導。